TEA Club (Teaching Everyone Awareness)
TEA Club (Teaching Everyone Awareness) 〰️
The Okanogan County Community Coalition partners with Omak High School’s TEA Club to provide resources for peer education on substance use prevention. For more information about the club, please visit their website at: http://omak.omaksd.campussuite.site/schools/omakpioneers/students/tea-club
“Of those surveyed, most believe it is a sign of strength to seek help.”
November 8-9, 2022: Participation in the Washington State Prevention Summit hosted by Okanogan County Community Coalition.
Participation in Unity Day, which is part of National Bullying Prevention Month. TEA Club served free Arnold Palmer drinks to Omak High School students and staff while providing anti-bullying messaging. They also handed out orange “Stand Together” bracelets to those students who participated in writing positive messages on a giant Unity Poster provided by the TEA Club.
For National Impaired Driving and National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, TEA Club gave out red ribbons for “Tie One On for Safety”, which is part of MADD’s (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) designated driver public awareness campaign.
TEA Club handed out candy-grams to all Omak High School students and staff. Each had personalized positive messages as well as information on crisis and support resources, such as Teen Link.
TEA Club visited the Omak Middle School and put on an anti-vaping presentation to all 7th grade science class students.
TEA Club sold concessions at an Omak High School basketball game where all the popcorn bags had a QR code to Teen Link’s website for resources on how teens can manage bullying, drug and alcohol concerns, relationships, stress, depression or any other related issues.